Hi, I'm Gilly !
This is me, Gilly. I'm a model for Bliss in a Bottle. Money is useless to me, so I find other ways to get paid for my work. Like when it rains, I make sure my mom's whole day revolves around getting me to use the potty outside. And when she gets phone calls, I bark a lot so her and whoever is on the line has to pay attention to me. Basically, my funds are "attention" and my "mom's time".
Mom happens to be The Founder and President of Bliss in a Bottle, Cheryl Sher. I call her "Woof" though. She's been busy lately. Some Italian chocolates arrived, which no one will let me try! Anyway, those arrived, and my mom has been pairing wines with them. What else? Oh yeah, MMELO Boutique and Confections founded by Michelle Allen made their way into the shop. Don't ask me about the tastes because I've yet to be offered any! It seems to be a theme in my life where everyone is talking about how tasty the chocolates and other goodies are right in front of me and won't share with me.
There's a tasting that has to do with something called Spain going on later today. I know from pretending to be asleep in the car and listening to my mom voice to text. I want to go but it's for adult humans only. And anyway, I like to be where the kids are, they drop food, and I eat it. Sometimes no one sees what I put in my mouth, just that I have something in my mouth. That's always fun unless they get it from me.
I almost forgot about the yummy smelling Hubbard's Basics cookies that are in the store right now. I know that is something I can have, yet for some reason it is also being withheld from me! Maybe I should get some legal advice about my rights to human food!
Well, it's time for me to go find Woof and let her know I'm ready for my walk. As with all humans, when I leave the room, she stops talking, moving, thinking, blinking, eating, etc. The world revolves around me, and nothing exists unless I'm there to be involved!
Until next time!
PS: Before I go, as much as we'd love to lounge on a davenport as our humans' hand feed us luxurious chocolates and fan us with large palm leaves, chocolate is lethal to us fur babies. It's too bad too because my mom has the BEST, and I'm not saying that for extra treats either.